LSEE​ is a non-profit educational endowment that provides scholarships for impoverished students with mobility-related disabilities in Peru, Vietnam & Uganda.
Our scholars rise above challenging circumstances with the drive to achieve career training and education to be providers for themselves and families.
Together we are positively influencing the way communities consider equality for students and professionals with mobility-related disabilities.
We are very excited to announce our
3rd Annual LS Dollars For Scholars Event was held on November 16, 2023.
Please watch our pre-recoded event. We updated our scholars' progress and you can also watch videos of success stories from 3 of our scholars.
We believe Laurie’s Scholars better describes the vision that Laurie Schoendorfer (the late wife of Don Schoendorfer, and cofounder of Free Wheelchair Mission) had to further assist mobility and financially challenged people by providing scholarships for college or vocational training.
Free Wheelchair Mission helps us find applicants with potential to gain financial independence through education but lack the resources to do so. Scholarships range from vocational school (1-6 months) to university programs (up to 5 years). Scholarships ranges from $500 to $1,800 for vocational school and $3,000 to $5,000 for university programs.
We are proud to announce that Laurie Scholars earned a 4-Star Rating with Charity Navigator, the highest rating possible. We also earned a Platinum Seal with @CandidDotOrg! These awards are a major testament to the transparency of Laurie's Scholars. These ratings put us in the top 0.1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency and means that Laurie's Scholars has shared clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements and progress indicators.

Thanks to everyone who attended and donated at 2nd Annual Laurie's Scholars Dollars For Scholars event held on October 26, 2022. For those who were not able to attend, please click the link below to view our recorded event. Watch the impact that our scholarships have had on the lives of 9 of our scholars and a Q&A sessions with our founders.
Scholars That Rise Above
We empower and support career advancement
of students with mobility disabilities in developing nations.
The Laurie's Scholars would like to thank those who attended and donated at our first annual event on October 7, 2021, which raised enough to fund 10 more scholarships! The video highlights documentary interviews with two successful graduates, as well as live Q&A with our Founders.