Meet Our LSEE Scholars

Graphic Designer, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Le Tam (Tam), is a 17 year old Graphic Designer living in Thanh Hoa City, Vietnam, with her parents and two younger siblings. She was born with celebral palsy and is unable to use her arms and hands. FWM donated her wheelchair and she also recieved a donated computer from our distribution partner, Giving it Back to the Kids. Tam has graduated a basic computing course and loves reading & studying computer science. Her career goal is to work online as a Freelance Graphic Designer. This allows her to work from home since she can't propel her wheelchair on her own.
Tam is truly a remarkable and talented young woman, driven with a passion to be defined by her strengths. She has taught herself all this using her feet to use the computer, and doesn't let her inability to use her arms and hands keep her back from excelling in this career.
Our distribution partner, Nhung with Giving it Back to the Kids (GIBTK), assists and mentors Tam as she completes her scholarship. Nhung has this to update us with regarding her progress.
"Tam started learning an online course about Photoshop in the middle of June, 2019 and she just finished it in the first week of July. According to her teacher, she is a quick learner and diligent. She is confident to ask questions if she does not understand. She enjoyed learning this online course very much because her teacher was dedicated and helpful. He was very enthusiastic to show her basic steps so that she could have a deeper understanding about lessons she learned. After class, she practices at home by doing more homework from her teacher and watching more videos. She thinks this is the best way for her to broaden the knowledge and improve her skills. GIBTK enrolled her in another course on Adobe Photoshop which started in the middle of July, 2019."
"I’m careful and hardworking, eager to learn and love working with others. It's easy for me to adapt in the working environment. I am friendly and love helping others.
I love learning on multimedia and designing."
Tam, LSEE Scholar